Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Autumn has arrived

Photo Above is across the road from me.
 Loved the look of it.
My view is usually Gorgeous but this year it was on the ground before we could even enjoy it.
 This was October 10th, 2012

From amazing colored leafs to very few on the trees in just a few short weeks. 
 One week snow in October and the following week 75 degree weather.
 Michigan does not have a clue what it wants to do.
But I miss the colorful leafs.
We usually get a chance to take a long ride and look at them but most are on the ground.
Time for the hunters to go out and hunt I know my Husband and Son are all ready too. 
For me, Time sure does fly when your creating. 
Seems there are not enough hours in the day
 to do the million things you have rattling around in my brain.
Seems like I rarely sleep and when I do its at the wrong times.
My body likes to sleep during the day and my brain wants to be asleep.
 So I have decided to let my body do the talking.
That way I have more time to create fun things for all of you. 

My Back view Oct 23, 2012. Beauty gone in a blink of an eye.

Front view. Usually this valley is filled with oranges and reds. :(

This time a year is hard on me and my family.
Oct 21st 1972 the most beautiful woman was born
Lori Diane Cothran
May 7th 1997 she went to heaven
 (because of a semi tailgating her and hitting her car and taking her life)
So this year Oct 21st 2012 my beautiful Sister would have turned 40.
In our minds she will forver be young beautiful and wonderul.
She is my angel
There is not a day that goes by that she is not thought of and missed.
She inspires me in so many things that I do.
Knowing she is with me has made me change so many things in my life.
Ive become a better person and Im happy.
Although I have a huge hole in my heart that forever belongs to her.
No one and nothing can replace her.
I know someday I will be able to hug her and see her again.
So Happy Birthday to my Beloved Sister Lori in Heaven
I hope your fellow angels made your day a glorious one.
I love you.
I named a collection of rings I made after her.
Lori Love Rings ~
 I smile everytime I make one. She would have loved them.
Lori loved Jewelry just like me.
I did have fun creating some fall jewelry for Halloween and Autumn.
Click the photos to take you to my sites for purchase. If you cannot find the item
Email me and I can set up a reserved order for you.

Any Items that are on Etsy that your are interested in I can move to Artfire.
I know many of my customers would rather not join Etsy.
Please email me and I will happily move the items you would like in a few short minutes.
Lately on Facebook I have seen so many cute animal photos.
These are a few I wanted to share.
This one speaks for itself. LOL
I love him. He is soooo cute. I want these for my labs :)

Too Funny. Creative Costume maker. Poor dogs. LOL

Aww too cute

I want a monkey
Very Bad Halloween Hair Day

Upcoming Events In November.
I have lots of new things in the works.
A new shop coming soon on Etsy. www.KimisDesigns.Etsy.com
 It will be top quality jewelry, wire wrapped jewelry,
genuine gemstones, rare and one of a kind druzies,
beads and lamp work glass designs.
 Im excited to have some of my items separated. I think they get lost in my hundreds of clay creations. I really like the idea of showing two different sides of my creativity too. So I will let everyone know when that is open.
I will do a Grand Opening Sale and Giveaway.
So make sure to read my blog posts so you can get in on the freebies and fun.
My New Business Card :)
I love the color it is so me. This is a two sided card.
I cant wait to get them in the mail.
Designed by the amazing www.Plumroselane.com
Odawa Casino & Resorts Nov 18, 2012
November also brings a large Art show to our Casino
 in Petoskey, Michigan. I was able to get in this one and Im excited about it.
Most of the craft shows in this area booths are $250 or more for a table.
Which I think is outragious.
The casino show is reasonable and last year they had over 3000 people.
 So Im excited to bring my items into my community on a larger scale.
I have my work in a local shop but not alot of items.
Most are at my home studio or online on Etsy and Artfire.
Many friends have asked when I will be in a local show.
Ill be here and hope to see you.
If you come to the show.
Use coupon Blogger11 and you will get 20% off

Last night for some reason I was in a dark mood
Christmas Holidays on my mind.
Reds and Blacks.
I love these colors.
These are just a few things I made for the Art Show.

Lots more baking. Need to glaze these and shine them up.
Ugh I cant believe Christmas is almost here.
Im working on so many new rings and wire wrapped designs for the show.
Earrings, Bracelets, and beautiful Pendants.
I hope there are some left for my grand opening of my new shop.
If not Ill wrapping wire in my sleep for days. .

I dont think this month I will be participating in any challenges.
I really want to spend that extra time making new things for my new shop on Etsy.
I want it filled with pretty things for the holidays.
Hopefully you find things you like for you or a loved one.
Im available for custom orders. You name it I will make it for you.
I really enjoy making unique one of a kind jewelry and gifts.
Have an Idea? Lets put our heads together and make it happen.
Well My Family, Friends and Wonderful Followers
Thank you for stopping by and for Supporting me.
The next few weeks Ill be posting lots of coupons for my shops
For Blog Members only so be sure to Join.
Hugs and Blessings
Im off to create.

Create With Heart, Love, Color and Bling