Monday, October 1, 2012

Kindness and Amazing Talent

Amazing Tutorial By a New to Me Polymer Clay Artist
The First Thing I Want to say Matt Kernan
Sending You The Biggest Thank You!!!!!!
Thank You for The Inspiration
Your Canes Are Gorgeous.
This Month September has been the worst month for creating.
I was in a major slump.
I had a ton of ideas but felt horrible and my son was sick.
So When I did have time to create I spent it with the family instead.
I truly missed creating. I just couldn't get back into it.
A half hour or hour a day was all I could do.
I worked on challenge pieces and some Halloween items.
I just couldn't get in the mood to do the million Ideas
That were running through my noggin.
Ugh I needed inspiration.
I did Treasury's hoping that maybe something would spark it.
Nope. Have a huge want list now thought. :)

A few weeks back I found a new cane artist
 Browsing and Making Treasury's on Etsy.

First I noticed the Tutorial. Wow very pretty. Pink too. My favorite.
I love Kaleidoscope Canes they are Amazing.
I cant imagine making something this lovely.
Click Photos to go to the items on Etsy to purchase or View

I sent him a message telling him his work was beautiful.
I always envy clay artists that make amazing canes.
I can make the basics to get by when I'm creating. 
 I prefer to create with the canes not make them.
We started talking a little about clay and guilds on etsy and facebook.
We became friends on Etsy and He asked about groups.
I told him about some great networking groups.
OnFireForHandmade & Networking Together.
I wanted to send him in the right directions
 To find wonderful Artists out there that help and encourage new artists.
It was cute seeing the reactions to a man that creates pretty clay canes.
Seeing all the fun comments was comical. 
Lets face it. Its mostly us lady's out there.
The male artists are always wonderful at it.
Wonder why that is???  Maybe more patience?
I try to have patience. When I make canes.
I have none. Zero Tolerance.
I have all the patience in the world sculpting or creating.
But canes done like me. :)
Helping Other Artists.

Those that know me know that I love to share ideas.
Will help anyone with anything.
Creating, I have sent more quick and instantly made tutorials
 by txt than I can count. Need instructions expect 10 txts. lol.
Find a great buy or coupons. I'm sharing with all of you.
Clay sale?? I'm all over it and make sure everyone knows.
I told Matt and everyone that Michael's
 had clay on sale for 99cents. That's an amazing price.
My beloved clay bestie Valerie Cook in Florida had already
 ran to the store to stock up for me. Hugs Hon.
Since I don't have a Michael's near me :( ..
I'm probably better off. Id be in the poor house.
Anyways Matt offered to pick up clay for me if I needed it.
I thanked him but said no that Valerie had picked it up.
 But I would be thrilled if he found Premo Bead Cores.
Sure enough his Michael's had them.
Woo Hoo Jackpot. Ive been looking for months.
He picked them up and mailed them to me. Gotta love Paypal.
I love how the clay community help each other.
I know I have sent several people things that they cant get.
I even sent a young clay artist in Australia a bunch of items she couldn't buy.
I went to Joanns and got them and mailed them to her.
She was so excited. She sent me photos of her creations
and was happy she made many sales at her show.
I like when artists are willing to help each other.
I don't know what it is about this medium but
most artists are so helpful. Most will share where to get findings.
Or special items that you have never seen before.
 I know I love helping someone fall in love with Polymer
Just as much as I do making a sale.
On to my story. Sorry I'm a blabber mouth.

Feeling Blah and Blah and more Blah last week.
My mail lady brought me a surprise.
Then Friday 9/28/2012 I received a package in the mail.
With lovely canes in it.
A wonderful surprise since I had not ordered any.
A week or so back I asked Artist Matt Kernan on Etsy 
To hold a pink flower cane for me till payday.
I didn't not expect to receive it and others in the mail.
What a treat and Instant Inspiration.
I cant say thank you enough.
I was so excited I started creating right away.
Aren't they pretty?
 A few weeks back Matt had asked when to create for holidays.
I said now!  I had remembered searching last year for pretty
snowflake and holiday canes. So I gave him a few ideas.
I was thrilled to see a beautiful Snowflake Cane.
My camera does not show the details.
Its so pretty and details are amazing.
 I cant believe all the tiny lines and beautiful shades of blues he has in there.
Thank You Matt your such a sweetheart.

I got to work right away.
I had to use that snowflake cane.
I would do it a little different next time.
I should have used a white base and I used transparent.
I had put a blue center thinking it would show through.
It didn't. But they are gorgeous.

First I made the earrings. I love them. They are mine.
My daughter wants them. I may let her borrow them once in awhile.

The Pendant I covered the whole bead with the cane.
It turned out lovely.
Matt's Canes work great.
They are perfect texture and so easy to work with.
They bake up perfect too.


My Next project with Matt's Cane was the Petal Cane.
 I wanted to make a flower bead.
I loved the light aqua blue color.
 I added a Aqua Swarovski Rivoli and It turned out gorgeous.
I don't know alot about Matt Kernan
We only talk business.
But I know he is a genuine kind person.
Amazing Artist & Wonderful Person.
I'm happy to call him my Clay Friend
I Cant Thank him enough.
I hope you all stop by and say Hi to Matt
Try his Canes you will be so happy with them.
They are gorgeous and I cant wait to try the others.
PS: Matt I would like to Order more of the snowflake.
 So Let me know when you put them up for sale.  
Like me he loves Doggies I see. I saw this on his facebook and had to share.
How cute is his darling doggie Millie.
She has style. Pink Butterfly. My Favorite.
Matt Thank you for your generosity and for inspiring me to create this week.
Hugs and Happy Sales.

1 comment:

Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

Wow, Kim, it is so wonderful to hear of artists supporting one another. It seems to me that the tougher things get out there, the more everyone sticks together and tries to help out. I've seen Matt's canes on another artist's website, and they are truly inspirational. It's nice that he has his own shop now on Etsy, and I'm sure he'll do well. Thanks for sharing this story, Kim!